To make a food donation please call Allison Kinyua at (617) 446-3458
Here's our kitchen wishlist!
Send Checks to:
Boston Rescue Mission
P.O. Box 120069
Boston MA 02112-0069
Park Street Church
Many Hands, Blessed Service

Carol and Megan wanted to lend a hand to local ministries. A volunteer service day at Park Street Church offered that opportunity. Because large urban churches like Park Street can be well-connected with local non-profits, it was an easy way to connect with the Boston Rescue Mission for Saturday morning outreach on the Boston Common.
It was only Carol’s first visit to the Mission and Megan’s second, but that was fine with them. “They always have things downstairs for the volunteers to do” said Megan. “There’s always need, and they’re really good at delegating, which keeps the volunteers busy. I like that.”
Faith played a big part in Carol’s decision to volunteer. “I think for me I serve here and in other areas because my faith compels me to do that. I’m a follower of Jesus and he served, not only the poor, he served everyone, and I am following his example.” Likewise, Megan muses “You definitely feel closer to God when you’re spending time caring for others, not thinking of yourself and…being intentional about getting to know the people you’re serving.”
For others considering volunteering at the Mission, they suggest being willing to do anything that is needed and building relationships along the way. “There’s a great team atmosphere” says Carol. “I always feel like there’s a lot of love here”.