To make a food donation please call Allison Kinyua at ‪(617) 446-3458
Here's our kitchen wishlist!‬
Send Checks to:
Boston Rescue Mission
P.O. Box 120069
Boston MA 02112-0069
Job Referral Network
The Job Referral Network is a group of companies in the Boston area who have partnered with the Boston Rescue Mission to provide Mission program members with an opportunity to interview for employment opportunities.
Is there an obligation to hire Mission program members?
There is no obligation to hire a Mission program member, only to give them a fair chance with other candidates. Program members have to overcome various hurdles to just get regular interviews including explaining lapses in employment history. Job Referral Network partners recognize past difficulties of program members but agree to grant them at least an interview based on the recommendation of the Boston Rescue Mission.
What level of job(s) is typically available on the network?
The network targets entry or lower level employment opportunities for its program members. The case managers of the Boston Rescue Mission prescreen and qualify program members for network opportunities. The OTJ program will only recommend clients that are judged to be mentally and emotionally competent to handle a particular position.

What happens if we decide to hire the program member?
Nothing out of the ordinary happens on the employer's side. Once hired, the program member should be held under the same company guidelines as all employees of the company. On the Mission end, the case manager will continue counseling the program member. The Job Referral Network is designed to help a program member get their foot in the door. Once in, they should be treated in the same respect as their coworkers. The program member's case manager is also available to speak with the employer if the company wishes.
What else can we expect of the network?
With the permission of the network partner we would certainly promote their name and participation to the community. Being a network partner is an excellent way to participate in cause-related marketing with one of the oldest shelters in the country. The bottom line is to offer a job opportunity to an individual who is earnestly trying to turn their life around.
What is the first step to becoming a Network Partner?
The first step to becoming a partner in the Job Referral Network is to have the appropriate person contact Mike Way, the Network Coordinator. Mike can be reached at 617-338-9000, ext. 1215, via email at or via fax to 617-482-6623.